M  Para Ambulatory  T11-.T62 100 Meters Finals

 Claude-Robillard Sport Facility - Site License 
2019 Canadian Track & Field Championships - 2019-07-25 to 2019-07-28 
              Championnats canadiens d'athlétisme 2019               
                Le complexe sportif Claude-Robillard                 
Event 955  Men 100 M T11-.T62 Ambulatory Para Ambulatory
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Wind
  1 Ingram, Austin F13        02 Les Coureurs             11.12   0.5
  2 Hermans, Dylan            98 I Be Fast Tr             11.98   0.5
  3 Whitehouse, Kyle F38      90 Athletics Niagara        12.03   0.5
  4 Johnson, David F12        99 Victoria Spe             12.04   0.5
  5 Booth, Hudson F38         99 I Be Fast Tr             13.50   0.5
  6 Kuchemann, Erik F37       00 Athletics Niagara        14.05   0.5
  7 Johnstone, Michael F36    88 London Weste             14.44   0.5